Extended Leadership Team
Eduction Support Service Core Team
Sally Boaden Chief Finance & Operating Officer
Sally joined the Trust in 2021 following a hugely successful career as Chief Finance Officer of an Outstanding Single Academy Trust within the East Midlands and Humberside region. This experience, coupled with her current status as an accredited ESFA School Resource Management Associate (SRMA), has strengthened the Trust central executive team.
She brings expansive knowledge and experience to the Trust in all aspects of business support services, including governance, procurement, health & safety, human resources, finance and compliance from primary and secondary settings and academy trusts, bringing over two decades of School Business Leadership experience to the role.
Working tirelessly as a transparent and ethical leader, she has quickly established herself by developing purposeful relationships and processes across Raleigh Education Trust and strengthened external strategic partnerships.
Sally is a member of the Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL) and the National Network of Special Schools for School Business Professionals and accredited as an ESFA School Resource Management Associate. She actively supports the Association of BAME Business Leaders in Education group, WomenEd and the National College of Education. Sally has achieved a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management and a Level 6 School Business Management qualification.
She has a passion for ensuring MATs are well run through the proper use of public money and compliance with the regulatory frameworks. She strongly advocates that robust regulatory compliance is the bedrock of school support to deliver the best possible outcomes for our children young people.
Sean Kelly Chief Executive
Sean is an unapologetic advocate of children, particularly those with complex needs and vulnerabilities.
He is a highly qualified and experienced leader in education and has demonstrated a commitment to lifelong learning achieving a Master’s Degree in Social and Emotional Behaviour and, most recently, the National Professional Qualification in Executive Leadership. This commitment has supported a highly successful school leadership career beginning as a SENCO, moving through assistant and deputy roles before accepting his first secondary Headship. Sean progressed to MAT school-to-school support roles in several Trusts, including Trust lead for SEND, Director of Education and a secondment to the Centre for British Teachers supporting a school in challenging circumstances.
Sean is an active Ofsted Inspector. His remits include mainstream secondary and primary phases, and he holds accreditation to inspect special schools and AP Independent/Free Schools. Ofsted has recently invited Sean to undertake Lead Inspector training in October. Sean believes this is an essential step for the whole organisation to ensure all settings are focused on what matters most and have access to the most current developments in school improvement, expectations and compliance.
Sean has successfully secured outstanding Ofsted judgements and led a school through more challenging outcomes. He considers that he has learnt a great deal about leadership and a polarised approach to school improvement through periods of challenge. He believes successes can lead to an incredible feeling of accomplishment, but they are no accident. They are the outcome of hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, a love of what one is doing.
During his time with the Trust, Sean has supported school leaders through four inspections, securing three good outcomes, moving one from a category straight to a good judgment, and no schools downgrading.
Currently, Sean represents the Trust locally as a Board Member of the DfE Nottingham Priority Area Local Partnership Advisory Board, University of Nottingham – School and Colleges Advisory Board and Nottingham City Council (NCC) Education Improvement Board. He is also an active member of Nottingham Citizens, a regional Specialist MAT CEO network and the national SEND and AP CEO Network.
Previously, he has represented education locally as a member of the NCC Safeguarding Board, the Children and Young People Partnership Board (vice-chair), and the City Headteacher Board. In addition, Sean has supported Teach First and the University of Nottingham ITT programmes. National system engagements have included acting as a DfE-appointed reference point for military ethos programmes, advisory board member for the Rowntree Foundation and Prince’s Trust External Reference Committee. Sean also represented the sector at Buckingham Palace, following an invitation to join a national Educational Forum.
Phil Willott Director of Education
Phil is an advocate of trauma-informed practice, the development of the whole child and providing positive learning experiences that last a lifetime.
Phil joined the Raleigh Education Trust in 2021 and has over 18 years of experience within education. Before joining the trust, Phil was an Executive Principal of two academies, where both schools were acknowledged for their trauma-informed ethos, achieving the Trauma-Informed Schools Award. The school’s caring and kind approach was also recognised by the local and national press.
He has a proven record of school improvement, helping lead a mainstream school and a multiple site pupil referral unit out of special measures, as well as opening two alternative academy free schools.
Phil began his career as a teacher of ICT and Law, before becoming a pastoral middle leader, senior leader and qualified SENDCo, leading in both mainstream and alternative/special education. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated a passion for inclusive education and supporting the most vulnerable children and families.
Phil was a member of the Youth Justice Management Board – Lincolnshire and has worked within the youth probation service.
A lifelong learner, Phil has recently achieved the National Professional Qualification in Executive Leadership and is about to embark on a level 5 qualification in coaching.
Phil has delivered modules of the NPQH programme and is currently a coach for NPQLBC cohorts. He was recently invited to present at two Westminster Insight conferences and to the Nottingham City’s Youth Justice Management Board about the importance of early intervention and safeguarding.
“Every child deserves a champion” – Rita Pierson
Claire Beardsall Executive Assistant & Governance Professional
Claire is a high calibre governance professional following five years as a volunteer EYFS setting LGB Chairperson, and subsequently, the Trust governance professional. In this role, Claire has been instrumental in the design and development of the Board committee structures and the introduction of local governance arrangements across the Trust (see Hub model), including creating all Terms and successful recruitment and induction activities.
When Claire isn’t managing all of our members, trustees and governors, she finds time to manage the chief executive as his Executive Assistant.
Following the successful completion of a LLB Hons Law with Psychology in 2011 through Nottingham Trent University, Claire has gone on to complete the Department for Education funded ICSA accredited Level 3 Certificate in the Clerking of School and Academy Governing Boards in 2019, and her CIPD Level 3 Qualified 2022.
Claire has supported undergraduates more widely as an Ambassador Mentor and Victim Support Volunteer.
Claire is passionate about education and all things related to compliance as the Trust Data Protection Officer.
Elizabeth Browne Executive Principal for Alternative Education
Elizabeth joined the Trust in September 2022 having worked in schools/academies for 26 years in a range of roles including senior leadership, headship and at Trust level. She began her career as a Mathematics teacher before becoming a pastoral middle leader, senior leader and qualified SENDO. Elizabeth was a principal in a large mainstream secondary academy prior to working for Raleigh Trust.
She is a specialist in SEND, mental health, behaviour and safeguarding and has provided expertise nationally as part of a multi academy trust. This role included wider school improvement including curriculum development and governance responsibilities in over 30 academies nationally, in challenging communities and across both phases.
Elizabeth has worked with the DFE and National Schools Commissioner to inform statutory policies. She also completed external reviews in safeguarding, SEND and Mathematics as a school improvement partner on behalf of the DFE.
Elizabeth is committed to improve the wellbeing of young people and adults by delivering quality training to raise awareness of mental health in the workplace. She is an experienced Mental Health Instructor, delivering training for MHFA for adult and youth (MHFA England) for the past 7 years.
Elizabeth continues to be passionate in her role as a leader to make a difference to all children and young people.